Friday, October 25, 2013


FEARS...seems to be the perfect time to start this blog since Halloween is just around the corner...But, it has been on my heart and mind for quite some time.  

Our small group in church...which by the way might be some of the coolest people EVER is reading the book FEARLESS by Max Lucado.  This book deals with fears that we ALL struggle with on a daily basis.  And, how we should not FEAR anything.  Easier said than done, huh?

When I began reading this book, it really made me analyze the fears in my own life.  And, am I pushing my fears onto others?  Or, are they pushing their fears onto me?  Why do we FEAR?  What good does FEAR do?

What are other FEARS that can take over all rational thoughts?  Spiders for some--not me, I can squash them!  Snakes--okay maybe!  Death--NOPE, HEAVEN is WAY better!   Heights--for those that know me, this is a big deal.  But, I have photographic proof that I walked across the Royal Gorge Bridge.  My legs were shaking the whole time as I carried Carson in the Baby Bjorn and held Mackenzie's little hand.  But, I didn't let FEAR win. 
Can't see my legs quivering---but they were!!
(Kenz and Carson were so little!!)
Not only did I walk across the bridge...but I rode in the Tram with 16 of my closest friends who waited in the same line for the craziness...BUT FEAR LOST!!

I also know that as a parent I could not let my FEAR become my child's FEAR.  Have any of you had similar situations?  Does FEAR consume your life or someone you know?  HOPE always wins and FEAR always loses!  And, no one wants to be a LOSER!

The greatest fear any parent ever has is for something to happen to one of their children.  CHECK.  Something did happen to my precious baby.  But, the whole time William was alive here on Earth--I never feared the possibility of death.  I know that seems hard to believe, but it is so true.  I had HOPE.  HOPE and FEAR are two separate things that CANNOT live as one.  So, I chose HOPE.  And, now my hope resides in Heaven.  Because, that's where my baby is.  I have HOPE for my other two children daily.  I do not fear what may happen to them.  God is in total control of their lives.  I have hope for today, tomorrow, and fond memories of yesterday for both, Mackenzie and Carson. 

I remember Chris had two weeks or so of FEAR for William when his older brother, Donnie, called him on his FEAR.  And, he changed as a parent.  He released his FEAR.  He became a parent filled with Hope rather than Fear.  It was a freeing experience for him and amazing as a wife to see the transformation. 

I also saw FEAR in my dad.  My dad is the perpetual pessimist (oh, I forgot, his favorite term...REALIST!).  He would visit William everyday (almost).  Will got used to hearing his voice right about 8-8:30 every morning.  Almost, every time my dad and I had a heart to heart about William or my other kiddos.  He would say "You just never know."  "What are you going to do if something doesn't go right?"  "You need to spend more time with Mackenzie and Carson just in case William doesn't get better."  I sensed the fear in him with each phrase that he said.  But, I held strong to my HOPE.  "I cannot think like that."  "There are no guarantees in anything we do, so this is right for today."
When one can smile after major heart surgery---why wouldn't you choose HOPE?

And...when they go through so much and still look so peaceful.  It's because HOPE wins and FEAR loses!! summary.  FEAR and HOPE can never co-exist.  CHOOSE HOPE!!  I do, daily.  And, it seems to make each day a little easier.