Monday, June 15, 2015


It dawned on me this afternoon as I was holding a cranky baby that I have not blogged in forever!!  Where has time gone?  What has been happening in the Crazy Life of the Cunninghams?  Well, to start, there is a new member to the family hence the cranky baby! 

Elizabeth Ruth Cunningham was born in normal Cunningham fashion...super speedy entrance once my body decided that labor was necessary.  I was 3 weeks blood pressure decided to creep up and delivery was the best option. 
The Cunningham 5--Chris, Sara, Mackenzie (age 8), Carson (age 5), and my necklace representing our angel, William.

Elizabeth Ruth Cunningham
4/8/2015    5:17pm
6lbs. 8oz.  19 1/2inches long

Poor Elizabeth went from womb to land in a record 2 minute time frame--active labor was really only about 40 minutes (even though my water had been broken for hours, not the normal Cunningham way).  But, then I went from 4 to 10 in no time.  And, well 10cm to baby took less than 2 minutes.  Hence, the bruising.  Poor Lizzie and Will both had battle wounds from Day 1.

Anybody who has followed our Crazy Life knows the impact Congenital Heart Disease has had on our family.  William was 1 in 100 babies born with a congenital heart defect.  In 2012, when he was born, screening was just taking place.  Guidelines in many states were beginning to change.  But, not our state.  Kansas is behind the times on so many things--not a political conversation though!  Anyways, Ransom Memorial Hospital tests for congenital heart defects on all babies.  After William passed away, I proposed testing all babies.  And, the hospital changed their policy.  So, here are the pics of Lizzie completing her CCHD screening.  Her brother was shining down on us all as she passed with flying colors.  It makes this momma weap just thinking of how much impact one little baby has each and every day despite leaving Earth much too soon.
Elizabeth had an appointment at Children's Mercy with Dr. Wagner (who was a Fellow) when Will was hospitalized in 2012.  Her echo showed all 4 pulmonary veins!  Yahoo!!  A small PFO--no worries at all.  But, Dr. Wagner did hear a slight murmur.  This was almost more than I could take but then reality set in.  Lots of babies have innocent murmurs.  Get a grip, Sara!  Anyways, we will see Dr. Wagner again in November.

Sunbathing beauty--Lizzie had an extended stay at Hotel Ransom.  She was a little orange.  The bili lights were her friend as was this window.  We spent 5 days under the lights.  She just wanted a head start on her summer tan.  Given that she is my pale skinned baby and all!

Homeward bound--this carseat literally saved her life at 2 weeks old.  William had this carseat when he was an infant.  Love it..well, we were in a bad accident in Chris's truck when Elizabeth was 2 weeks old. I am thoroughly convinced that it saved her.  We have an angel on our side watching over his baby sister.  Needless to say, I don't use it anymore.  Replaced with the new Britax version.  But, there was no way that we could dispose of the one brand new thing that was purchased for William.  So, in storage, it will go!  But, I am a true believer in Britax carseats.  Lizzie was the only one of us without some sort of injury.  Chris was bruised and sore.  Seatbelt mark across my chest and hips.  Concussion and cut for Mackenzie. Carson was not with us!!