Monday, June 4, 2012

Cherish the Moments....

Word of the Day.......Cherish!

Today was the BIGGEST Day of our lives....William had his open heart surgery.  We have been waiting for this day since finding out about his defect, yet it was the toughest moment when they wheeled him down the hall to surgery.  We hope no other parents will have to experience something such as this, but we know others do everyday.  And, we have a strong faith in God that has helped us through this tough time.  We just hope to spread His love to others--if we can glorify God during our toughest days, then others will see the Light.
Right before surgery....Bright Eyes this morning made Mommy and Daddy so happy!

Will made it through surgery.  His TAPVR repair was successful.  The next 3 days are critical for him.  He is such a fighter that we know all will be well!!  But, seeing your baby in the warmer with 11 IV meds infusing, on a ventilator, blood transfusing, chest drains in place was almost TOO much for me to handle.  I am a stoic person who doesn't frighten easily, and I almost went weak in the knees.  Seeing a critically ill patient is one thing but seeing your critical post surgical baby is a completely different thing.  I am ever so glad that Chris and I were able to snuggle him for almost 2 hours this morning.  Those were the most precious moments of William's life thus far!!  I cannot describe how important is was for us.  And, I am CHERISHING the order to get me through the next 3 days.
Snuggling in Mommy's arms this morning....snoozing away without a care in the world.

Snuggling in Daddy's was grand for Daddy and William at 6:00 this morning.

Today, we received an anonymous letter from a lady while waiting in the PICU waiting room.  The letter was handwritten.  It simply stated that times are tough and that people are always praying, even those you don't know.  And that the author was praying for our child and that they hoped we found peace in knowing that God will lay His Hands on our child and help to heal his illness.  Brought tears to our eyes to know that someone cared enough to write me a letter even though they did not know us or William.  Yet, they took the time to note our pain.  And, it included an amazing gift, a $100 bill.  We were completely shocked by this family's genorosity and excited to pay it forward to another family in the near future.  After crying about the goodness of people, I wrote a thank you letter to this family.  I then had the opportunity to thank the woman in person....what a story they have.  A sick 12 year old daughter in the hospital, 6 hours away from home, other child at home, and they still chose to glorify God and Pay it Forward to us!  Amazing people surround us all the time....CHERISH OTHERS GIFTS EVERYDAY!!


  1. He looks like a little Carson Cunningham.. I love the "dent" in his chin. I can't wait to hold him.

    I love the handwritten letter. People can be butt heads to each other.. and we are use to that.. but when someone is amazing to us.. and shows us God's love it can be something that can bring us to our knees.

    I love you! We are praying for you!

  2. I have been thinking of you and sweet William all day!! I am praying for a healthy recovery and that William will go home with his family soon!
