Top Ten Cunningham Quotes by Mackenzie and Carson!!
10. "You are nothing but a BULLY." Carson, age 2 and continues almost daily as he wrestles with Chris.
9. "Carson, that is just P THETIC." Mackenzie, age 3, to her crying baby brother, Carson.
8. "Why do boys underwear have pockets in them?" Mackenzie, age 2, as she reaches to see what is inside her daddy's underwear....a quick dash to the left for Chris.
7. "Mom just threw everything up!" Mackenzie on the night that my feeding tube was thrown up...Chris didn't believe what EVERYTHING meant.
6. "Are we back at William's House?" Carson, age almost 3, as we returned to Children's Mercy one evening.....sad, but it was oh so true!
5. "Jesus works for us. How do you mail a paycheck to Heaven?" Mackenzie, age 6, as she was helping me with payroll....And, a Jesus did work for us at the time.
4. "Grandma threw our Christmas tree away. We need to hide our new one, maybe in the bathroom or bedroom." Carson, age 3, remembering how Grandma Joyce took last year's tree down in pieces and threw it out the back door.
3. "That's not such a good idea." Mackenzie, age 3 and on on....she is always the rational one.
2. "Are we there yet? Are we almost to Garrett's House?" as we drive past the Wal-Mart DC...not even out of Franklin County yet!!
1. "You have a big ouchie from your heart, I probably not wrestle with you for a LONG time." Carson, almost 3, talking to William on the first day that he saw him after his first heart surgery.
I can't wait to witness my boys wrestle in Heaven in approx. 100 years....I bet it will be a wrestling match of epic proportions....and my hubby is likely to be wrestling with his brother at the same time....BOYS WILL BE BOYS!!!

AND......THE BONUS ONE....."IT'S JUST WILLIAM AND WE DON'T REALLY KNOW." "RARE!" Medical quotes on our precious red-headed angel!!
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