1. We have horses....and sheep. I am NO farm girl nor have I ever been one. But, these animals are making me experience a whole new realm. From burning the lot to building fence to purchasing electric fence to hauling water to breaking ice. The list goes on and on. But, the bond our family has developed over chores is beyond measure. I, even, like one of the big, scary beasts (oh, I mean horses). Oscar even knows that I have a soft spot for him--it usually involves a little neck rub or peppermint candy! Tornado is learning how to be a good boy at Erin's house right now. I can't wait for my girl to be able to enjoy this black and white beauty in a way other than just a lead rope. Mackenzie has been smitten with Tornado from the first time she saw his picture. But, as many may know, HORSES AREN'T CHEAP! So, we got into the sheep business. Last year at the fair, Kenzie showed her two lambs, Sugar and Spice. And, after the fair, she and her dad purchased 2 more ewe lambs, now named Evie (Everything) and Nice. Sheep are crazy creatures. They truly follow their shepherd (Chris and Mackenzie) wherever they may go. They also get into some crazy escaping shenanigans. We shall see how they do at the fair this year--and Mackenzie is going to learn some economics when she has to buy and then sell her market lamb.
2. JUDD--all I can say is his name. We have taken to animals in this house. In May, Mackenzie, Carson, and I surprised Chris with a new bird dog puppy. Judd is a German Shorthaired Pointer. What a cutie he was! And, he may have earned the title of the Best Puppy Ever. Sometimes, this title gets suspended for puppy behaviors. But, he has been a great addition to our family. He loves to run, play, and after some work this summer at the lake, swim. The kids have so much fun with Judd. And, I kind of think Chris likes him when he goes bird hunting. Our other bird dogs are 13 years old now--they just can't keep up anymore. But, don't tell Nina that as she escaped from her padlocked chain again today. HOUDINA!!
3. BULL SHOALS LAKE. What a place. We decided that last year instead of a big family vacation we were going to use our camper on multiple occasions. What a treat. We did take one whole week at the lake, but we also took many weekend trips. It was indeed just what we all needed. A little getaway without being too far. A place to call our own--even if the camper has a tiny little kitchen. We enjoyed countless days on the water--some with friends and family and some with just us (and Judd!). We made the trip to Branson to Silver Dollar City. If you have a family, this is the best family park. Always clean, always friendly. And, a step back in time.
4. SCHOOL. Preschool graduation. Where did his time at Apple Garden go? For those that don't know, Apple Garden is amazing. We have been blessed by wonderful in-home settings for Mackenzie and Carson when they were little. Apple Garden was like home for Carson--and the rest of the Cunninghams with preschool in a daycare center setting. KINDERGARTEN--what? Yep, our boy ventured off to "real" school this year. And, Mackenzie is now in 3rd grade. She has grown so much physically but academically as well. Her daddy likes to call her a NERD. But, the apple didn't fall from this tree. She might be her momma in so many ways. Watch out, world! Just ask Mackenzie for her not impressed face!
5. WORLD SERIES!! I know it doesn't seem to be a big deal. But, to our family, it was so much fun. We got to go to GAME 6. What a cool experience. Let's hope that we don't wait another 29 years to go back to a BLUE OCTOBER. We love our Royals!
BABY BEAN! I saved the best happening for now. Baby Bean is due to arrive April 29th if not a few days before. This pregnancy was a bit of a shock to the Cunningham Family. After losing William, we never expected our family to grow again. We are ever so excited. Losing a child is a pain like no other. We all still ache for William each and every day. This ache will never go away. There are days that it is faded a little and other days when the ache is all too consuming. But, as I have stated before, HOPE and FEAR are 2 totally separate things that cannot co exist. We are choosing HOPE. This baby brings a new HOPE--not a replacement one to our family. For all of you who want to know, it is a baby! We have never found out what we are having before delivery. The pure joy of hearing the doctor announce "It's a Girl." "Mackenzie has a Baby Brother" "Mackenzie and Carson have a new Baby Brother" is like no other joy. So, you all have to wait until we hear the fantabulous Dr. John announce to us and then to Mackenzie and Carson what our family has been blessed with in April. So, stay tuned. All bets are a go. Many of you know that pregnancy and Sara do not always get along. But, I truly feel pretty good. I still throw up daily but have only been in the hospital 24 hours with this pregnancy. And, this is an amazing gift from God. I feel great--can't seem to gain much weight. But, the baby is so healthy. And.....drumroll, HAS A HEALTHY HEART. Hearing that the echo pictures were perfect was like an ultimate breath of fresh air. Baby Bean is growing like crazy and his/her big brother, William, has helped to make sure that his/her heart is PERFECT! What a great angel we have on our side.
I can't get any pictures to load....keep checking! Hopefully, I can get them to add. Grrr!!
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