Friday, May 4, 2012

Eviction Notice Posted


Baby C #3 hear (because I know reading isn't possible yet) this warning.  Your eviction notice has been posted.  The process will begin to take place at 2000 on Wednesday, May 9th with a likely complete eviction through a laborous process on May 10th.  Your time in utero has been marked at 37 weeks on May 10th.  We are excited for the eviction to take place.  But, remember that evictions in this case are for both of our best interests (yours and mine).  We (meaning Mommy, Daddy, Mackenzie, and Carson) can't wait to meet you.  We are so excited to find out if you are a boy or girl.  Or, in Carson's words, "Baby Ister" or "Baby Bruver"

So, for those reading this post, the induction date is in the books after my doctors' appointments yesterday.  Our family of four will be a family of five in just a few short days.  This thought is daunting to say the least.  Throughout this thing called pregnancy, we have learned so much about our family and our strength in each other.  The Faith we have in each other, extended family and friends as well as God has grown by leaps and bounds.  We have realized that the little things are just that....little things.  And, the big things will come no matter what, and we can cross those bridges when they come.  Somehow, what is meant to be will be...and the things that are not meant to be, will not be.

In the last week, my blood pressures have remained stable...slightly higher than I would like but not getting worse.  My labs are all stable.  Hopefully, I have completed my last 24 hour urine study for protein.  The results of all tests have been reassuring.  So, we are going to induce on Wednesday night before anything changes for the worse.  Kind of a proactive approach, if you ask me.  Inductions have never been something that I am a fan of, but induction/delivery with Carson proved to be the best for both of us, Carson and Mommy.  So, I kind of feel the same way this time.  This pregnancy has left me -16 pounds, in the hospital a total of 20 days, multiple trips to the filling station (IV fluids for dehydration), numerous lab draws, and too many to count appointments with our family doctor as well as the perinatal specialists.  After all, delivery has proven to be the easiest part of pregnancy in 2 previous pregnancies.  Shall we have a repeat quick easy delivery, I hope so.  Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we become a FAMILY OF FIVE!!!!

One of our last photos of our family of four....there is a baby in this pic...just hiding under my dress and Carson!!!!

Some pics of Mackenzie from her recital...and her good friend, Laura, too!!

And, Carson ready to go outside...his favorite thing ever!!!  Check out the hat and boots...never do we get far without a straw hat and cowboy boots.


  1. Love this! Can't wait to meet your #3 :)

  2. Sara- We had planned a baby shower for you at work but like a day before it you went back into the hospital. So promise me you will let me know when we can have one after baby gets here! Good luck!
