Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The last of our family of FOUR!!

The induction begins in just a few hours....seems crazy to think that our family is growing in less than 24 hours.  This pregnancy has been a journey to say the least, but it seems so odd for it to come to an end. 

In the last week, we have tried really hard to enjoy the moments with Mackenzie and Carson.  Chris and the kids went are some pics of the BIG bass they caught!

Daddy's Proud Moment....his little girl holding a bass without squirming...the teeth even cut her fingers.

The bass was WAY too big for Carson to hold...looks as big as he is!!!

Then, Mackenzie and I had a girl's day getting pedicures on Sunday while the boys had a boy's day.  Chris and Carson went to the park, Dairy Queen, and fishing all in one afternoon (after taking a nap in the recliner)!!!  Then, we had family carwash evening.....gotta get the Expedition (AKA The Bus) ready for a new baby.  Carseat installation and all was a family affair.  I have had the joy of seeing them play at the park, spent a day running errands with a little boy, and movie/date night with Mackenzie.

Grandma Joyce helping him teeter totter!!!  Not enough weight in his britches!!

Life is about to change.  But, change is GOOD!!!  And, we cannot wait to introduce the new addition to Mackenzie and Carson as well as the rest of the world!  Boy or Girl, thoughts???  Size???  Time of delivery???


  1. We are so excited for you guys! You seem to have already gotten your "Simon" in Carson, so I can't wait to see the personality in #3! Hmmmm, I think a boy...and let's say 2:48am and how about 6lb 14oz. (I am usually no good at that so I am sure it will be a girl born several hours later and a pound or 2 heavier...haha) I am praying for a swift, easy labor for you! May God bless your family and WELCOME to the newest little Cunningham!

    1. were pretty darn close. 2:57am and a BOY!!! And, weight was 6lbs. 2oz. So, all in all, TAKE THE might hit the jackpot.
